美國DONA · 按摩油Naughty – sinful spring– 110ml


用DONA香薰按摩油進入你的愛人。 令人愛不釋手的混合催情劑和信息素以及令人陶醉的香氣,令肌膚呈現出美麗的香氣,令人無法抗拒。 不油膩,持久的配方可滋潤和恢復肌膚活力。

Melt into intimacy with DONA Scented Massage Oil. Our signature blend of aphrodisiacs & pheromones and intoxicating aromas soothes away stress, relaxes muscles and leaves skin soft and sensual.

  • Rich, long lasting formula
  • Moisturizes and rejuvenates skin
  • 3 fragrances: Flirty (Blushing Berry), Sassy (Tropical Tease) & Naughty (Sinful Spring)
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